Saturday, August 10, 2013

Finally here!!

Hi guys. First I have to say that I'm sorry I've been so long in updating my blog and website. I assure you that I have been hard at work writing though! I had someone helping with my web pages in the past, and now have to figure out how to use Front Page again...

I have been getting multiple emails every day asking about Book Six of Erec Rex. People have been worried that I am not writing it as there has been no web presence from me. But I will try to fix that . . . and I assure you that Book Six is underway! I hope that it will come out some time in 2013, but will tell you more details for sure in a few short months.

In the meantime, I have also written another book unrelated to the series which is with my editor at Simon and Schuster. More on that to come as well, but I'm super excited about it, too!

Love to you all, and please stay it touch. Shouldn't be too much longer . . .



  1. Good to hear! Reading a series can sometimes be torturous...can't imagine the pressure of writing one. Thanks for updating so we know Erec hasn't disappeared.

  2. Hello Kaza,
    Don't worry! We can wait for you and other books. And I really love your story so much. It's really fun and excited. And then, the story is so good.
    Love you
    from Thailand

  3. do you have a publication date yet

  4. Sooo.. WHEN WILL WE HERE MORE! I know you might be in otherness or something but could you come back soon?? :S

  5. when is it coming out

  6. whats the title going to be?

  7. Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee

  8. I absolutely love this series! And book 5 ended on suuuch a cliff hanger; I really hope you haven't given up on the series as I am dying to know what happens next! I hope you update us with some new info on whether or not there will be a book six.

  9. Ms. Kingsley:

    My daughter and I discovered this series via an obscure little bookstore in a small town near our home (Nashville). We were instant fans and fell in love with these characters. We love to read but we also love to listen! Will there be more printed and/or audio books? Will your website be updated? Thank you so very much for this series.


  10. hello Kaza,

    You wrote something about book 6 coming out in 2013, but it is 2014 now.

  11. Kaza youre absolutely killing me whens the next book out (assuming youre going to write it) sorry not trying to be rude BUT I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS

  12. I'm so glad to hear that there will be a new book!! Good luck Kaza!

  13. Hello Mrs. Kingsley, I am a huge fan of the Erec Rex series and I was just wondering when boo six is coming. I hope I wont die before it finally does come out.

  14. Ok all! Yes, it's been longer than I thought, but Book 6 is alive and well, and on its way. I took a break and wrote another book called To Hayel and Back - it's not out yet. And now I'm working on Book 6. Thanks for your support and patience - I can't wait for it to be in your hands hopefully in the next 6 months!

    Love, Kaza
