Thursday, July 1, 2010

DONE AGAIN! (Book Five!)

I am officially out of hibernation. Book Five, tentatively called The Secret of Ashona, is finally finished! I am so excited about this one.

Book Four, The Three Furies, will be out on August 20. Yay! And during this next year, book five will be edited by me and Simon and Schuster, artwork will be done, and it will go through the publishing process for release the following fall.

I'm so excited! It's hard for me to wait for both of these books to be out and in the hands of readers.

Before long, I will be starting work on Book Six out of Eight in the Erec Rex series. Maybe I'll even be able to fit in an unrelated book before I write Book Seven!



  1. Ms. Kingsley,
    Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Yay! I can't wait for August 20th! It's about time, no offense, it's just that I've been waiting FOREVER! Yay!

  2. Congrats on #5. It must be very frustrating having not one but two "finished" books written but neither being read yet. Soon, soon (but never soon enough)! Can't wait! We need a contest so we can get advance reading copies!!!

  3. Congratulations are once again in order! It must feel strange to know you're over halfway done with this massive story. I've just managed to get my hands on The Three Furies, and it's been great so far! Your creativity is something to really be admired.

  4. Hello i'm french in France the third book are not yet in the book shop!
    I am impatient!
    Is there a movie of erec rex provided?
    Sorry for my english he is bad^^

  5. when will the 5th book be published

  6. Wonderful, for I can hardly wait!

  7. I can't wait for book five to be out!!! I'm so exited! Erec rex is my favorite series in the whole world!!! I will buy book five the momment it's out!

  8. yay! im excited! but all the next books in my fave series are coming out this fall! i have nothing to read until them :P

  9. mrs.kingsley

    i am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited about book 6 ive been reading them so fast that i cant seem hold onto them for more than two days!!!!!!! When do you think book 6 will be ready to sell???

  10. mrs. kingsley

    just to let you know that erec rex is my favorite series ever!!!! its even better than harry potter i just cant seem to get enough of it!!! congrates on the last book i cant wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Can't wait till book #6 i'v been reading them on my kindle but have the first one as a real book. I flew through those books and I'm 12. Keep em' comin' Mrs. Kingsley is Erec gonna tell Bethany she likes her even though she should take a hint. The kiss left me red-faced and I wasn't even the one gettin kissed. I wish Erec still had the Truth Scroll Thingy srry can't remember. Sorry if I bored you with my opinion. P.S. Bethany needs to find her younger brother in the #6. Double P.S. I think Erec's younger brother and sister are the missing twins durrrh right.

  12. Can't wait till book #5 i'v been reading them on my kindle but have the first one as a real book. I flew through those books and I'm 12. Keep em' comin' Mrs. Kingsley is Erec gonna tell Bethany she likes her even though she should take a hint. The kiss left me red-faced and I wasn't even the one gettin kissed. I wish Erec still had the Truth Scroll Thingy srry can't remember. Sorry if I bored you with my opinion. P.S. Bethany needs to find her younger brother in the #5. Double P.S. I think Erec's younger brother and sister are the missing twins durrrh right.

  13. When is book 5 available??? I can't seem to find it anywhere... Has it been released? What's the title?


  15. When is book 5 coming out? I am dying to read it. Please at least give us an update! :)

  16. YES!! Sorry I've been out of touch. Got married, a few little things like that. But Book Five has been done for a while and Simon and Schuster has an amazing new artist doing the cover, and redoing the covers of all the earlier books. Book Five was supposed to be out this fall, but due to art reasons it has been pushed back to February of 12 - in about 8 months from now. I'm in the process of fixing some online things on my website, and will try to get this info out to the public soon!!! Thanks for asking.


  17. Mrs. Kingsley,
    Congratulations on getting married. Thank you for announcing the probable date of release for The Secrets of Ashona. I have been waiting for a long time. Thank you. Also, I have a guess on who Bethany's younger brother is. Thanks again!

  18. Mrs. Kingsley,
    I know this is sort of off subject, but I hear that you have hired a movie agent. I just wanted you to consider me as the actress for Bethany. We are really alike. Same age same hair color, same skin tone, same love of math (even though I am not as genius as she is). I would just need to grow my hair longer. If you would like to talk to me about it you can ask me to email you. I would love to be your actress. Thank you.

  19. Wait.. Ferburary of 2012? What? I don't think I can wait that long! I'm sorry but these storys are just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing! I saw it at the library and thought I should try it. So I read the first page and fell INSTANTLY inlove with it! This story is just so amazing! And even after the series is done you should keep writing more because you are such an amazing wonderful author!! After I finished the Three Furies I was practically running around everywhere trying to find the next book! Hence meaning I was desperate! I adore your stories and I hope you never stop writing!

  20. greatest series ever i must agree with the guy up there, it is way better than HP

  21. O-M-Gosh! i cant wait for book five! when Erec kissed beathany {and blew a kiss} i was like o my gosh! wahoo! cant wait thanks

  22. wait when does book 5 come out exacly because i am not pacient. sorry about my spelling :*)

  23. so when is book 5 out in sale or able to buy.

    sorry im cheecky.

    wait u got married ?

    wait movie agent can erec rex (the soon to be erec in a movie) be that main caracter boy in the bridge of taribithia?

  24. Thanks everyone! Book five will be out February 7. I can't wait! It was hard to top book four's ending, but this one worked out really well.
    XO, Kaza

  25. how far are you on book 6?

  26. So whats the name for the 6th book going to be?


  27. Hi that was the best book yet I can't wait for book 6

  28. My son got me hooked on your Erec Rex books. Yes I'm a 40 something mom and I can't wait to read book number 6! All your books are so good. Full of twists and turns and creative ingenuity they are terribly hard to put down. I hope book 6 will be coming along soon!

  29. are you writing the 6th book?

  30. Josh Hutcherson is way to old to play Erec Rex. He's twenty years old! Erec Rex is 12. Hutcherson will be 21 on Oct. 12.

    (Yes, I know he (Erec) is actually thirteen, but people who haven't read the series aren't supposed to know that. I'm only on Book 3 right now.)
