Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Travelling Blog Award!

How cool is this! I just got a pass-around award for The Coolest Blog from Melissa at Bibliophile's Retreat! This was a definite honor to me, because I love Bibliophile Retreat blog. Thank you, Melissa!

Now, as a Butterfly Award winner I have the privilege of choosing up to 10 more blogs I'd like to nominate. If you are nominated, here are the rules:

The rules of the Butterfly award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs (or fewer if you don't have time to do 10).
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

1. I nominate first James Dashner's blog, The Dashner Dude. James is the author of The 13th Reality, of which I have an autographed copy (and he has autographed copies of mine :}) I love to read James' blog - it's all about the real ups and downs of an author, which I can appreciate!

2. Chris Rettstatt has a fun blog, interviews lots of authors, and is an author himself! It doesn't hurt, of course, that he did a great interview of me (ahem!) Lol. Check out Chris Rettstatt's blog and also his books - he's the author of the Kaimira series!

3. Maybe this one should be first, but Kaleb Nation's blog is primo. Another author - Kaleb's book is coming out in Fall '09, Kaleb shares my same book agent, Richard Curtis (who is awesome.) And his blog is the absolute best. So funny and full of great homemade vids. Enjoy!

4. Kaleb wins twice with The Twilight Guy. How creative can you get, Kaleb? And what an awesome response this blog has had. Too cool.

5. Fanatic Space Blog is a definite winner. This is a fun, well-organized blog with lots of great info about fantasy and fandom. Well done!

6. Stephanie's Confessions of a Bookaholic should win for the gorgeous art alone - but is also chock full of great book reviews. Definitely worth checking out!

7. It is so cool to meet people all around the world. I know a great blogger in the Philippines, and love what she's done there. You should look at her blog Into the Wardrobe and get a taste of a fantasy and book fan's blog from around the world!

8. You like books? You like funny? You like cool blogs that make you smile and want to read more? Well, check out A Fort Made of Books (I love the name.) The blog author also reviewed books for a big Harry Potter fansite.

I could keep going, but I better stop here. Thanks to all the bloggers out there!!

Luv, Kaza :}


  1. Wow, thank you so much for the award, Kaza!!! I will definitely pass it on. :D

  2. Thanks, Kaza! I noticed the sense that I "used to" write book reviews for an HP fan site. In theory I still do, but the editors are holding unposted reviews from as far back as September!

  3. Thanks for the kind words about FanaticSpace.

    I was pretty surprised to see the comment you left. *L*

  4. Great new blogs to check out. It was James Dashner who recommended your books - I linked to you from his site!

    Your books are now on my TBR list - thanks!

  5. Kaza, I said thanks, but commented on the wrong post. Yes, I am an idiot.

    You're awesome!
