Sunday, November 2, 2008

The FIrst Contest - Check it out!!

WOW, it's been a while since I've posted to my blog. It feels so good to be back!!

What have I been doing all this time, you may ask:
Well, it's really flown by so fast, because I've been about as busy as I've ever been in my life. Not only have I been traveling, visiting schools and conferences, and working on Book Four, Erec Rex: The Three Furies (working title,) but some big changes have been going on with the Erec Rex series.

Bigger and Better
The fantastic publishing giant, Simon and Schuster, bought out the Erec Rex series in an exciting (and rare!) eight book deal. This portends great things for the series, as this publisher is equipped to take the books to new and greater heights. They are also putting out audio books for Books One and Two in April - I can't wait to hear who will be reading my work! How fun. And, to make things even sweeter, the series continues to pop up in more and more countries around the world.

The Book Three Release
On the other hand, all things come with a price. This is worth it, I assure you, but there is now a delay in the release of Book Three, Erec Rex: The Search for Truth. This is because the new publisher will be re-releasing the first two books this coming April, which, of course, pushes the Book Three release back.

I assure you that it will be worth the wait! :}

CONTESTS for you!
During the wait, however, there is something fun to do on the site for you and for me! I'm so excited about a series of contests - think the contests that Erec had to do during The Dragon's Eye - which will be posted on the forum site of the web page.

The first contest is being run now, through the month of November. It's a writing / fan fiction contest. All you have to do is post your own original story on the forum fan fiction page during the month of November and you are qualified to win.

The First Place winner will receive author signed hardcover copies of The Dragon's Eye and The Monsters of Otherness, plus a signed music CD.
The Second Place winner will receive a signed hardcover copy of The Dragon's Eye

Future contest winners will win other things including advance copies of Book Three!

I hope to see you all writing this month!!

Love always,



  1. Wonderful, Kaza. I'm glad Simon and Schuster purchased the series! And with an 8-book deal too! I can't wait for the third book (although, I suppose I should start on the first and second, as I've just discovered your wonderful series).

  2. Yeah Kaza!
    Glad to see you back on the blog. And a BIG congrats on the book deal. That really is special!

  3. Good to see you back on the blog! I wish I could have had a year as busy as yours! You definately have something to be thankful today. And an 8-book deal... that's really rare. It's worth the wait for Book 3 to know that more people will get to read these books!

  4. Congrats on the S&S deal. I eagerly await book 3.

    BTW I am giving you the Butterfly award. See the info here


  5. Kaza, thanks for the blog award! So good to hear from you again.

    I can't help but feel like our careers are mirroring each other. I haven't announced this yet, but Simon & Schuster is purchasing the paperback rights to my 13th Reality series. We're gonna be siblings! (I also sold a book to Delacorte called The Maze Runner.)

    We definitely need to stay in touch, and meet one of these days. Are you going to be at BEA?
