Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blog Tour - Day Ten!

Today I am the guest of a great site called Deliciously Clean Reads. It's chock full of reviews of YA and kid lit books. But, even better, it's a handy tool for parents who want to know if a book is okay for their kids to read. There are no hard and fast rules on this site, just suggestions to be taken along with the age of your children. The site promotes books with a healthy attitude for growing kids. Good Clean Books.

More fantastic news! I found two more outstanding reviews online today!

One is a review of Book One, The Dragon's Eye, by The Writer's Notebook - here. I loved this review. It was very well thought out.

The other is a review of Book Two, The Monsters of Otheress, by FanaticSpace - here. This was a cool, perceptive review from a great reviewer. This was one of the stops on my blog tour!

See you in cyberspace!

Love forever,

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