Monday, January 14, 2008

Blog Tour - Day Nine!

Today I am the guest of Author Chris Rettstatt's blog. How fun is that! Chris had some great questions for me, and it will be a fun day - check it out!!

I also just saw this really cool post in The Writer's Notebook. Erec Rex won for Best Fantasy World, AND was nominated as runner up for the first three categories - Best Debut, Best Title, and Best Series Starter! Check it out here. Sooo cool! I didn't see any other book that had even two nominations. Woo-hoo!!!

Gotta love it. Now I'll be writing with a big smile on my face.
Love and kisses,


  1. These interviews have always been a treat to read. By the way, thanks for coming and posting on my blog! I'm an aspiring writer, so it's great to have any sort of correspondance with an author. I just finished The Monsters of Otherness, and I've got to say, it was even better than the first. I'll probably be putting it in my list of "Best of '08"!

  2. Hey, it's great to meet you! If you ever have any questions, send me a message through my website. I'd love to hear from you!
