Sunday, November 4, 2007

I am SOOOO excited!!!!

I am SO excited about this animated video! The best animation artist in the world (by my estimation) did this video to promote my Erec Rex series. It's AMAZING!

The artist is Jonathan Fesmire. Check out his sites at and . I absolutely love what he did. The video got a little degraded on YouTube, but the detail is fantastic. Check out the chocolate shop Erec walks into! The little dragon creature on the side. The grizzly look of some of the bad guys. The background. (I could go on and on!!!)

And you probably won't have heard the music before, either. It's from a Fantastic new band called Soldiers for Solace. I love this song, called "The Fallen." You can see their info at

If you like this, pass the link around to your friends. It helps promote my books, Jonathan's art, and Soldiers for Solace's music -- and is fun to watch!!!

Love ya,

1 comment:

  1. That was a cool video. The dragon was cool-looking. I'm glad your books are doing so well!
