Tuesday, November 13, 2007


When I talk at schools and get interviewed people often ask what my favorite part of being a writer is. Of course, my answer changes day to day. But I think the bottom line is the friends I have made and am making along the way. There are a lot of people who are special to me that I never knew before I began this adventure. Some are fans, others teachers, booksellers, artists, writers. I could go on and on!

So - to just a few of you (and there are more than I could begin to list here): Daanon, Whitney, Jonathan, Mark, Melvyn, Heather, Rocel (Bugg!), Kennyth and Samantha, the Johnsons, David, Erin, Matthew, Kaleb, Kim, Jo, Rick, Silas, Aaron, Dennis, Nona and Rose (of course!) ... and so many more of you that I now know and love who were not in my life before this magical series came to life!

Thanks for being with me on this incredible ride. Thank you for your friendship, support, and enthusiasm. Love you all!!!

Yours always,


  1. Thank you, Kaza, it has been a pleasure getting to know you. This brought a smile to my face this morning. :)

  2. AWWWW!!!! Thank you kaza!!! I love ya and miss ya! and you have been a great friend to me. You helped me get my art out there is the open, you encouraged me, and he have been there to always make me smile! I hope to see you in FL something soon. I am going home in January to Spring Hill Fl.
    ~Love heather
    P.S. I cannot wait see the cover art I did! and I cant wait to do more work with you!

  3. Wow! Thanks Kaza. It's been great getting to know you too.
