Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm DONE!!

And . . . . I'm DONE!!! (With Book Four: The Three Furies)

Wow, I cannot tell you how amazed I am. Even though I new it had to end, it still is shocking to me that it's really done. WOOO -HOOO!!!!!

Thank you for being here with me during this time. Wow.

Now, of course, come the million go-overs and re-edits, both from myself and real editors.

This was a long one, it turns out. This may change, but at the moment, it is the same word count as Book Six of Harry Potter, just for comparison.


Whenever I'm at this point, I always say I'm going to take a day off to celebrate, but I usually get too excited to stay away and launch right into edits the next day. :}


The Writer said...

WOW, that's impressive (both the speed of the writing and the actual amount of writing accumulated)! I look forward to reading this, and of course Book 3, as soon as they come out! And, seeing as you're finished with the first draft of this one, they might just come out closer together. We can only hope... And now I'm really excited!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing the first draft!

I wish you the very best with the edits and rewrites, I know how straining they can be, but also how fun they are at times.

Best wishes once more.


Anonymous said...

I've written 3 books and I still that feeling of finishing the first draft.


Anonymous said...

Good job! You must have super hard! That's a long book!

The Writer said...

I just got my copy of Book 3! I'm about 200 pages in, and I'm loving it. Your best work yet, in my humble opinion.

maribeth said...

This is very exciting!

I just finished reading the third book (which was completely awesome) and I'm super duper stoked to read this one. :D

Congratulations on finishing and good luck with all the editing.

The Writer said...

The third book was great. Congratulations Kaza for another winner. I can't wait for book 4!

Anonymous said...

I just finished your 2nd book a few day ago. Brilliant work, by the way.

SpartacusKilroy said...


Adrienne said...

Hello, Ms. Kingsley,
Congratulations on finishing book 4! I stumbled upon your first Erec Rex book at the library and picked it up for my son. I started reading and couldn't put it down. The poor kid had to wait until I was finished! We look forward to each book and today I just finished reading book three. It was great.
Keep up the good work.
We are anxious to see what you have in store for Erec and his friends!

Unknown said...

Sweet. Can't wait for it to come out. The Search for Truth was AWESOME!!! Are there going to be any tours for this???

memetopia said...

My kids (age 5 and 7) and I have been pigging out on your series which we delightedly discovered on audio book just the other month. Now we are all caught up to the end of Book Three. I can't believe how many people have NOT heard of Erec Rex up here in Canada and I have made it my mission to single-handedly promote you and your excellent books to one and all. All three books have given our family such joy. We have the entire cast all assigned to various Playmobil characters, including a dragon who doubles as Aoquesth and Petuli. None of the Playmobil characters are ugly enough for Ugry, but we make do using hte bandit from the policemand set. My boy made a castle out or building cards, as well as houses for Wolfboy and Cutie Pie. Our latest quest has been to find the fourth Fate (Nona (spins thread of life), Decima (measures), and Morta (cuts) are the real ones, and the fourth we have named Knotta. Oh we have such fun. The fellow who read your audio books is fantastic and has allowed us to access your work in a way I would never have thought possible given how young my kids are. My hubby is getting very good at imitating his voices which makes us all giggle. We are eagerly awaiting your fourth out at the end of Summer 2010, if I have done my research right. Lastly I just wanted to say that I am enjoying the humour and more complex and stimulating storylines of your series MUCH more than all the Harry Potters, and can't stand that you are being compared AT ALL with JKR. Sure you both have magic and young lead male characters but the comparison ends there for me. Anyway. You are my hero right now. Keep up the great writing!

Cammi Burgess said...

Hi Mrs. Kingsley!
I just finished your 3rd book, and I really loved it! I read 'The Dragon's Eye' last year, but I didn't know that there was a second or third book until last week. I just couldn't stop reading them! My younger brother is probably going to read them soon. I can't wait for 'The Three Furies'!


Oxygen Plant said...

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! I’m sure you had fun writing this article.

zenny said...

Wonderful work. Thoughtful and well put.
סרטוני סקס


Anonymous said...

Ms. Kingsley,
Please, please, PLEASE tell me the book will be published this year. It's been more than a year scince your last book was new in stores, and it's been KILLING me to know what happens next. I just reread your series twice, making up what's going to happen next. So, please, soon. :)