Saturday, January 24, 2009

A new blog . . . and Book Four!

Very soon, in a few weeks, I should have moved from this Blogger blog to a new, downloadable Wordpress format. I'm really excited about it. It feels a little like I'm graduating. Which is kind of cool, as a grown up, to still have things to graduate to.

I hope I don't eat my words, and find out it's just too hard to hook the reigns around that self-hosted Wordpress stallion. But it will be so cool, so I'm up for the ride!!

I've been completely buried in Book Four--which is a good thing. I'm really enjoying it. So odd for me, though, that Book Three is still not out yet. When you're all caught up on Erec's latest I'll feel a lot better. :}

Luv, Kaza


  1. Looking forward to book #3 and #4 - with luck will be cracking the pages of #2 this coming week!

  2. Wordpress is a great piece of software. If you need any help with it let me know.
