Sunday, March 2, 2008

Beautiful Re-views

Here's to Reviews!!

I've been looking online and realized there are a few more reviews out there that I have not mentioned here before. They're all lovely, and give me giant smiles when I read them. So I'll share:

The Writer's Notebook has a great review of Monsters of Otherness posted. This fantastic site also has a review of The Dragon's Eye, which I mentioned before, and a "Best of 2007" book list where Erec Rex came into more winning slots than any other book - which I loved!! This site is chock-full of helpful information about books. Check it out!

Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-A-Holic asks if you Want a Little Magical Adventure? I was lucky to be a guest of Stephanie's blog on my cyber-tour, so I was happy to see her great review. Stephanie still wins in my book for Most Beautiful Blog - you have to see it...

Holly Parry of Meridian Magazine posted a great review titled Books for Boys
that was really sweet. Holly is a top-notch reviewer, and I was lucky she chose Erec Rex to read!

Of course it was Awesome when The Book Trolley reviewer, Robbie Fisher, put a review of Erec Rex on that famous site! I had to love that. Since it was a Harry Potter site, he did a great job describing that it's NOT Harry Potter, (something that continually needs to be explained!) and points out Erec Rex's merits in a very well put-together review. Thanks!

TCM Reviews is an interesting site with a short, sweet review of Monsters of Otherness by Ranaa Tasneem. It looks like a professional site for book reviews. An incredibly nice review from beginning to end -- with the small exception that the reviewer seems to think I'm a man! Oh well, that's life with a weird name like Kaza!!

Last but not least, Katie's Reading did a really good review of The Dragon's Eye back in November, but I don't think I mentioned it here. I love any reviewer that says one of the books we should all be reading is Erec Rex: The Dragon’s Eye! This was a highly detailed and wonderful review - thank you, Katie! I hope you were able to read Monsters of Otherness!

I'm waiting for notes from my editor on Book Three - The Search for Truth. This one is my favorite - can't wait 'til it's out!

Love, love, love,
Kaza :}

(Public domain image created by NASA and the European Space Agency. Hubble material is copyright-free and may be freely used on the condition that NASA and ESA are credited as the source of the material.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks for the compliment! I'm always happy to give good reviews of good books!
