Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog Tour - Day Sixteen!

Surprise! We have one more day of the blog tour added on for fun! It's at Young Adults Books Central - an awesome and fun blog all about my favorite topic!

So, rounding out a completely awesome tour of some of my favorite sites online, I get to end up with some really fun, light questions that nobody else thought to ask!
Hope you join me for this last day. And thanks for touring with me!



  1. Kaza, I just wanted to pop in and give a hearty congrats on the success of your books so far. They are really awesome and deserve it.

    Hopefully we'll bump into each other one of these days. I have a book coming out in March. Are you going to BEA or ALA this summer?

    Anyway, here's to much continued success!

  2. Awesome! Great to hear from you. I went to BEA last year - I might be doing a Chicago book fair this year...

  3. Just visiting your blog site, Kaza. Do you think my 11-year old daughter, who read the entire Harry Potter series six times would wlaos like your series?

  4. Just visiting your blog, Kaza. Do you think your series would be suitable for my 11-year old daughter, who loved Harry Potter.

  5. Totally suitable! That's a great age for these books, although I hope you read them along with her - I wrote them for adults to enjoy as well!!
