Monday, January 7, 2008

Blog Tour - Day One!

Yahoo!! Today is the first day of my blog tour!!
I get to whiz around through cyberspace and stop by some of my favorite blogs to say hi!

Some of the interview questions I've gotten have been great. The cool thing is that none of the questions or blog content will repeat between any of the blogs - everyone had their own, separate topics! Pretty cool, I think.

I hope you come stop by and visit at my first stop - it's A Fort Made of Books, a fantastic blog by MuggleNet's own Robbie Fisher, who does the Book Trolley reviews! How fun!
Hope to see you there!


  1. OH LOL I totally miss read the one blog with the interview and I thought you were actually going around the world. But this is still cool! I'll keep checking your pages. I also figured I will start writing in here to so you can read and comment about my comic and art. Thats if I can find the time to do so. I have been wrestling with my cousin because she has been quite nasty with me and trying to make money since my hours at work are cut. SOOOOOO yeah... I have a lot to do including the comic! Anyway's good luck on everything and let me know because what you do with me art! I am just excited to know!

  2. Great to hear from you - yeah, the cyber tour is tres cool. I can't wait to see how your comic is going!! And the art is exciting - when Book Three is done we'll talk about it, too!
    Luv ya!
