Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blog Tour - Day Fourteen

Today's online visit will be awesome. I'm traveling to the blog of my friend and upcoming author Kaleb Nation. Kaleb has written a great fantasy book, and even better he did it while he was in high school! I'm so proud to call Kaleb my friend. He has come up with some interesting questions for me - most are aimed at things writers would enjoy finding out!

I hope you enjoy this. I know I am! Check it out here.

I just took a break from writing today and saw Mad Money. It was really funny! It's midnight, but I think I'll get another hour of writing in before I go to bed!

Love y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kaza! I saw your interview on K A Nation's blog and stopped by. I really enjoyed "The Dragon's Eye"... too bad I missed the Q&A!

    Can't wait for book three!

    - PoserDozer
