Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blog Tour - Day Five!

I am so excited today to be a guest of the marvelous Bibliophile's Retreat, a wonderful blog by a self-proclaimed voracious reader. She does reviews, and did a wonderful review of Erec Rex in the past. Come check out her fantastic interview questions - they're all unique to her site along my tour! And see me grow up more in the pics...!

Speaking of reviews, Jason Wigley at gave Erec Rex a great review here.
I love the way it starts: Erec Rex is not a Harry Potter Clone. Thank you Jason! Cleared that up right away...!

Hope you come and visit me on tour today!
Luv always,

1 comment:

  1. She was right, Erec Rex isn't Harry Potter. As someone who enjoys writing in her spare time, I would be very hurt to hear people comparing something I had worked hard on to someone else's work. Kaza, both of your books are fantastic and filled with your creativity. I can't wait for the third book!
