Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm Sinking in Tech-Mire

Help! Help me!!
I just want to write, and maybe sleep a little...

I've been digging deeper into the blogosphere, trying to sort out Xanga Blogrings and figure out if I'd be better of on Blogger, or for my upcoming fantastic new website. But after my brain has been filled with chicklet links, feedburners, and the real worth of technorati tagging, there is little room to figure out and the best platform for podcasting...

I'm sinking!!!

Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew here. I want to get out there and experience this hidden online world, this Web 2.0 thing. But maybe I should just go finish writing Book 3 and forget the whole thing.

Tom Johnson has an interesting article about Wordpress here:


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