Sunday, December 2, 2007

Great reviews, and books in Iraq

I was so happy to see these great reviews of Erec Rex!

Blogcritics Magazine had a wonderful review by Katie McNeill:

This was also a nice one to wake up to:

This one was very sweet and nice (even though the reviewer thought I was a man!)

A good one:

Sookie's has been up a while, but I don't think I linked to it yet:

This has been up a while, too, but was a nice interview:

I also found out today that my books arrived in Iraq - the pic above was sent me by a guy named Brian who ordered them there! This picture was taken in Kirkuk, Iraq. He said he wanted to get a picture in front of the military tanks and Humvees to send me but pics are restricted.

I'm going to see if I can send more out to him. I'm sure the troops out there could use a little distraction. If any of you know a way I can donate books out there - if an existing group pays for shipping I can send more...

Love and hugs,


  1. Great reviews! I'm glad people are reading the books all over.

  2. You must love having all these great reviews. Congrats!
