Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Best Things in Life Cost $29.

Oh My!
I just gave myself the best holiday treat! I saw these advertised in a magazine called Cookie. They are candied chestnuts in honey, from Italy. You can see more about them at:
If you like chestnuts and honey, you'll love these. They have that Greek pastry taste. Oooohhh!
So, now you all know what to send me for gifts!!

A Great Review:
Here is another super nice review, by Kaleb Nation:
Let me tell you a little bit about Kaleb. He is an amazingly talented writer, web designer, and much more - all at the ripe old age of 19! And he is also now a good friend. I met Kaleb online, and now he is designing a new website for me! I'm SO excited about it, too. But Kaleb also wrote a great book which is with an agent now, and I hope he'll be published soon! (Yes, I hear you thinking: what?? How old was he when he wrote it? I think he wrote it between the ages of 15 - 17. So cool!!)

Signing off with love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaza, thanks for the mention! I finally figured up the years and dates right: I wrote the book between 14 and 18. I had the first idea on the night of 3/3/03 and finished the last draft exactly four years later.
