Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Things are Getting Stranger...

I just got into DC last night. It was great hanging with my brother. He told me something freaky though, and I just have to share. It's becoming a strange world (guess it always has been, but wait 'til you hear this!)

Because of all the gamers online now, there is a new sweatshop type industry that has popped up in China now. People (mostly kids) are working around the clock doing video games - for money - to rack up points for people. In other words, gamers can buy points online to help them with their games. But the points have to come from somewhere. These people, called "gold farmers," are racking up points, getting paid for them, and their employers are selling the points online.

This amazes me. Any time I think my life is strange...

Here's a YouTube vid about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho5Yxe6UVv4

and here is more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmer_(gaming)

Hope you're all doing great!!
Love, ya - Kaza


  1. Interesting gaming system. So the points that you earn turn into money? I'm glad you're back!

  2. That is crazy. My husband is a huge gamer, I'll have to ask him about now.

  3. Haven't watched the video you've linked to, but I've read of this elsewhere. Gamers can acquire a measure of prestige from purchasing the work of others, but only if they take personal credit. I feel rather sorry for these buyers, but not at all for those who wisely detected the market and profit from it.
