Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Landon and Me

Hi everyone! This is my first post on my new blog. Of course I had to pick now to start a real blog. I have nothing else to do ... that is, except start my book tour in a few days, arrange details with the schools I will be talking at, pack, oh - and, oh yeah ... work on book three, Erec Rex: The Search for Truth.

For those who don't know me yet, I am Kaza Kingsley, author of the Erec Rex fantasy series. My first book, Erec Rex: The Dragon's Eye came out last fall and hit the bestseller list in fantasy last winter. It's out in paperback now. Book two, Erec Rex: The Monsters of Otherness, just hit the shelves.

So it's starting all over again. The interviews, book signings... But this year my first signing was a little different, and very cool. Cincinnati Pro Football starting linebacker Landon Johnson came to sign my books with me at the Barnes and Noble in Westchester (part of Cincinnati.) I am friends with his agent, and, well . . . It was amazing, really. He was (is this so typical to say) SO nice. He really made the signing fun.

BTW, in the picture I look exhausted. That's, well, because . . . I was exhausted!

It was odd, though. I almost felt like it was a contest - how many people came up to him, and didn't know about me, versus how many came for the book and my signature and didn't recognize him. I'm sad to say he was starting to win (okay, he's hard to miss, he looks like an athlete. More in person than in the picture.) I had fun sneering and pretending to act jealous, but then a few people would come to me, so excited to read book two, and not noticing him, and then it would all be better.

So what does Landon say? You'd think a famous player (and he is getting more and more known around here) would say something obnoxious when I even started to get competitive with him. But instead he was so nice. He said that his career would be over soon and mine would last my whole life, I'd be much more famous than him, it's the nature of his business . . . It made me feel bad I was even messing around with him. What a sweet guy.

More about Landon at: http://www.bengals.com/team/player.asp?player_id=44

Soon I'll spill all about the next (yes, you are hearing right) football player I signed with a few days later!!

Until then, all love.....

1 comment:

  1. I am a Kaza fan !!!!!!! I am looking forward to seeing you in Cleveland.
