Wednesday, October 10, 2007

And .... she's off!

I just got into Albany, NY today. The whirlwind starts! I'm excited, yet nervous and apprehensive, wondering what this book 2 tour will be like for Erec Rex: The Monsters of Otherness. So far in Cincinnati and Cleveland the book signings have been even more amazing this time. I've gotten to meet some really excited fans, and that is so fun for me!

Tomorrow I'll be interviewed on Disney's Backyard Radio show. I think it's live, at 10:30 AM eastern time tomorrow, but last year when I was on it, it was taped. I'll let you know - and here's a link:

Then I'll be doing a signing at 6:00 at the Borders Crossgate Lanes here.

I already went to my absolute favorite spot in Albany today. It's an organic food shop that I found here last year called "Honest Weight Co-Op." Sooooo amazing.

If you're around Albany, it's worth checking out. Not only do they have amazing local, organic produce, but they have about 100 cheeses from all over the world, tons of great chocolates ... I could go on and on!

Now I went and made myself hungry. Time to eat some cheese...!
All my love --


  1. Hi Kaza, it's me, Rose! Sounds like you're having a great time! If I'm ever in Albany, New York(?), I'll be sure to check that place out.

    Mmmm. Chocolate. *laugh*

    I'm so happy you picked Google to be your blog place. Now I get to post comments! :)

  2. Hi.
    I'm so happy you're coming to my area. I can't wait. I just finished reading the first book, and I loved it, I'll be getting the second soon. :D
